Bidding Instructions & FAQ

Register for an account to start bidding

To get started, register for a website account using your email address. After you’ve registered, you will be able to bid.

How to bid

Shop for an item in our online auction store.

You can search by category or use the search box with keyword search (i.e. food). When you’ve found an item you’d like to bid on, click the item and enter a bid amount greater than the current bid. There are fixed bidding increments – the value for the next bid is shown below the bidding box.

Click “Place Bid”.

You will receive an email notification when:

  • You have registered for an account
  • You have successfully placed a bid on an item
  • Someone has outbid you (you may keep bidding on an item – sign back in and repeat the bidding process!)
  • You have won an item once the auction has ended – so check back often, and watch your email for updates!

MAKE SURE YOU ARE RECEIVING EMAILS: Add email address [email protected] to your Safe Senders list, or search for emails in your spam folder. Make sure to mark them as “not spam” to receive new messages from the website.

Receiving your item and payment

The auction will close at midnight, Friday, October 21st. All winners will receive an email with instructions to return to the site and submit your payment for the items they won. Winners will be contacted within three days of the auction closing to discuss delivery arrangements, if applicable.

Please contact us at the following email prior to the date of pick up with any questions:

[email protected]